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Selected Online Reading on Renewable Energy

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AbstractPolitical flexibility brings about trade-offs for policy-makers aiming to support the deployment of renewable energy sources (RES). On the one hand, it allows incorporating new information on ex ante uncertain benefits and costs of RES policy. On the other hand, it may deter RES investments. This paper scrutinizes how these trade-offs play out economically and politically when RES policy-makers choose the degree of flexibility as well as the instruments to implement flexibility. The analysis builds on a theoretical framework distinguishing between flexibility by design and by adjustment. It is complemented by a discussion of three case studies: RES support schemes in Germany and the United Kingdom, and the EU Emissions Trading Scheme. Theoretical as well as empirical results suggest that the politically chosen degree of flexibility by policy design may be sub-optimally low. In contrast, flexibility by policy adjustment is often excessively high.

Abstract: Wood pellets could potentially contribute to bioenergy demand in the European Union (EU). Market cost constraints as well as greenhouse gas (GHG) emission savings thresholds imposed by the European Commission however limit the potential use of pellets. A spatially explicit assessment of import potentials of both pellets and torrefied pellets, based on the growing stock of forestry biomass in the US, Canada, Brazil, Russia and Baltic States, was combined with an analysis of supply chain costs and emissions in order to analyse potentials as limited by different levels of costs and emission constraints. Results show that in case of GHG savings thresholds of 70%, 80% and 85% the total import potential is reduced to 61 to 24 and 1 Mt, respectively. The potential for torrefied pellets is larger in all cases, 44 Mt in the case of an 80% limit. Import potentials at cost limits of 200, 175, 150 and 125 €/t are reduced from 58 Mt to 52, 38 and 9 Mt pellets, respectively, with little difference between pellets and torrefied pellets. This work shows that spatially explicit variation in feedstock availability and logistics has a significant impact on total import potentials and must therefore be included in any assessment of bioenergy potential and trade.

Abstract: For millennia, humans relied almost entirely on renewable energy (RE), largely biomass, for their energy needs. Over the past century, fossil fuels (FFs) have not only largely replaced RE, but have enabled a many-fold rise in total energy use. This FF dominance changed the way we think about and accounted for energy use. If (as at present) the world essentially continues to ignore climate change, eventual resource depletion will force conversion to RE and, perhaps, nuclear energy will once again have to provide most of the world's energy use. However, the change is more likely to come about because of the urgent need for climate change mitigation. At present, primary RE electricity accounting is done by calculating the FF energy that would be needed to produce it. But as FFs disappear, this approach makes less sense. Instead, a new approach to energy accounting will be needed, one that allows for the intermittent nature of the two most abundant RE sources, wind and solar power. Surplus intermittent RE might be converted to H2, further complicating energy accounting. An additional complication will be the treatment of energy reductions, especially from passive solar energy, likely to be more important in the coming decades. This paper is a review of the evidence to try to determine the best approach to future energy accounting.

Abstract: Soft law and governance captured the attention of scholars in the 2000s, and new policy challenges and the novel introduction of 'harder' elements now drive a (re)turn to these discussions. This article explores the extent to which dynamics leading towards 'harder soft governance' (HSG) appear in the EU's renewable energy governance by comparing the 2020 and 2030 Renewable Energy Directives. Document analysis and interviews reveal a surface-level softening because the new 2030 directive contains no binding national targets for the Member States. An entrepreneurial Commission has been seeking to introduce 'harder elements' at the core by focusing on implementation, allowing for potentially deeper influence on the national energy mixes though the Energy Union. Two main factors drive these changes: the evolving international context of climate change governance, as well as re-configurations of the actors in the EU. Future research should explore the effectiveness of emerging HSG in detail.

Abstract: Climate change mitigation strategies are multifaceted and require collaboration among a range of stakeholder groups. The objective of this paper was to develop an overarching Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation Area Policy (REECAP) framework. The framework was developed based on a comprehensive literature review, in which seven principles for Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation Policies were identified. The paper also includes a case study to demonstrate an application of the REECAP framework. The novelty of the framework stems from its integration of carbon-energy-cash flows among different decision-making spheres, scales and area specific characteristics. The framework provides a mathematical understanding of how energy strategies can be transformed and optimised in a cost-effective manner by integrating stakeholders under a shared vision.

Abstract: The expected gains from RES deployment to the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions (CO2) and the cut-off of external dependence of electricity sources could be important. However, it is crucial to understand the determinants of RES growth to help policymakers drawing effective energy polices, involving a commitment of both citizens and governments. In this paper, we use novel panel econometric tools (taking into account structural breaks and cross-section dependence) and find evidence of nonstationary issues and cointegration issues between renewable energy production and its drivers (CO2 emissions, GDP per capita, energy use and dependency). The results thus reveal that non-stationary issues should be attended, otherwise they could be biased. Using suitable estimators (DOLS, FMOLS) with two different data sets and different proxies and taking common factors into account by MG estimates, we find that there is no environmental concerns effect explaining the growth of renewables in European countries. However, national revenues, energy consumption (demand effect) and energy dependency have a positive impact on renewables deployment. Considering these results, economic assistance (subsidies) might be a mean to increase further the renewables deployment in EU countries and education about renewables deployment is needed.

Abstract: In this paper is provided a systematic, in-depth, behavioral analysis of renewable energy sources cooperatives' members. The analysis proved that in, on hand, there was a noticeable difference in the portion of affection of each proposed intervention on the actual energy consumption, which may be to even ten times more in some cases, and on the other hand, the difference in energy consumption between the analyzed groups was noticeable as well. So, implementing energy efficiency interventions of various types, such as technical support, special tariffs, energy generation schemes, and smart meters, seems to lead to substantial energy reductions to even more than 10%, cumulatively, and reduces the environmental footprint. Additionally, the majority of energy efficiency interventions applied by the renewable energy sources cooperatives are proved to be effective in achieving their primary goal, sensitizing members, and leading them to a more efficient energy consumption behavior ("greener"). The results of the analysis showed that each proposed intervention had played a different but nonetheless significant role in the diminishing of the energy consumption of the members and that there was a noticeable difference in energy consumption between the analyzed groups. The results of the analysis demonstrated more than 22 GWh totally in green consumption, and almost 4500 tons of CO2 saved.

Abstract: The governance role of local renewable energy cooperatives (LRECs) in facilitating the energy transition remains under-scrutinized in the scholarly literature. Such a gap is puzzling, since LRECs are a manifestation of the current decentralization movement and yield a promising governance contribution to a 'just energy transition'. This paper presents a study of the governance roles of LRECs in the province of Limburg, the Netherlands. Building on existing work on the cooperative movement and energy governance, we, first, develop a conceptual framework for our analysis. The framework is built around three key interactions shaping these governance roles, between (1) LRECs and their (potential) members, (2) LRECs and the government and (3) LRECs with other LRECs. The results of an online survey and qualitative interviews with selected cooperatives led to the identification of five key governance roles that these cooperatives take up in the facilitation of the energy transition: (1) mobilizing the public, (2) brokering between government and citizens, (3) providing context specific knowledge and expertise, (4) initiating accepted change and (5) proffering the integration of sustainability. The paper concludes by reflecting on the relevance of our findings in this Dutch case for the broader 'just transition' movement.

AbstractThe 2018 recast of the Renewable Energy Directive (RED II) defines "renewable energy communities" (RECs), introducing a new governance model and the possibility of energy sharing for them. It has to be transposed into national law by all European Union Member States until June 2021. This article introduces consumer stock ownership plans (CSOPs) as the prototype business model for RECs. Based on the analysis of a dataset of 67 best-practice cases of consumer (co-) ownership from 18 countries it demonstrates the importance of flexibility of business models to include heterogeneous co-investors for meeting the requirements of the RED II and that of RE clusters. It is shown that CSOPs—designed to facilitate scalable investments in utilities—facilitate co-investments by municipalities, SMEs, plant engineers or energy suppliers. A low-threshold financing method, they enable individuals, in particular low-income households, to invest in renewable projects. Employing one bank loan instead of many micro loans, CSOPs reduce transaction costs and enable consumers to acquire productive capital, providing them with an additional source of income. Stressing the importance of a holistic approach including the governance and the technical side for the acceptance of RECs on the energy markets recommendations for the transposition are formulated.

AbstractThe increased demand for energy determines the need to search for its next sources. One of them could be renewable energy sources, whose importance is increasing, among others, due to the limited resources of fossil fuels. In addition, renewable energy production has many benefits, mainly environmental and economic. Moreover, the social aspects associated with it cannot be ignored. The aim of this work was to discuss selected social benefits resulting from the production of renewable energy. Among the most important advantages of renewable energy sources is their local aspect, since energy production solves many regional problems, mainly related to its transport. The issue of energy security is also essential. In the case of biofuel production, the possibility of involving waste in energy production is extremely beneficial. The use of renewable energy itself directly affects the improvement of the environment, which in turn has a positive effect on people. Nowadays, sustainable development is one of the most critical challenges of humanity. These activities are closely related to the use of renewable energy sources. It is important to pay attention not only to subjects related to the environmental and economic aspects but also the impact of renewable energy sources on society. 

AbstractThe aim of the research is to present the overall and significant impact of the urban water system on the environment, i.e. environmental protection in the context of increasing the use of renewable energy sources, and how such energy sources affect climate change in general. Renewable energy sources include: wind energy, water energy, solar energy, hydrogen energy, geothermal energy, biomass energy, tidal energy, wave energy, cold energy from space and others. The application of the principles of sustainable development leads to the need to use renewable energy sources, improve their technical characteristics and functioning, and find new methods and technologies to finally abandon the use of non-renewable energy sources. To this end, it is necessary to pursue a policy based on strategic planning and the use of an integrated approach in the operation and management of urban water systems.

AbstractIn the face of accelerating climate change, the transition towards a nonnuclear renewable energy system represents a key political challenge, which can be aggravated by the increasing energy supply uncertainty created by the shift away from fossil fuels. In this article, we conduct a comparison of the expansion of renewable energy sources in Austria, Belgium, and Germany at the level of their subnational units (federal states), thereby covering three economically very important central European federal European Union members. We consider potentially influential factors in a fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis: In addition to state-specific socioeconomic and geographical characteristics, political factors, such as parties in government, and specific energy-related policy instruments are included in the analysis. We find that a high potential for renewable electricity expansion in combination with low financial prosperity is most likely to lead to a successful expansion of renewable electricity production from wind and photovoltaics.

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