21st-Century Maritime Silk Road Initiative: Aims and Objectives, Implementation Strategies and Policy Recommendations by Jianglin Zhao; Ran Zhao (Other)ISBN: 9789811206719
Publication Date: 2020-02-13
The concept of a '21st-Century Maritime Silk Road' refers to the proposed modern-time version of the ancient Maritime Silk Road that connected China with the rest of Asia, and even parts of eastern Africa. It is a strategic initiative designed to increase investments in and foster collaboration among all countries along the ancient Silk Road. This volume, 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road Initiative: Aims and Objectives, Implementation Strategies and Policy Recommendations, presents the latest research findings on the directions and implementation methods related to the initiative, and contributors offer policy suggestions, include promoting effective macroeconomic policies, extending microeconomic cooperation schemes, removing trade barriers and facilitating financial integration, building infrastructures that can connect all subregions in Asia, and increasing people-to-people exchanges and industrial cooperation.